Sunday, 2 December 2007

half full?

Rested on friday as i felt pretty tired from thurdsay's session and didn't eat properly afterwards (stupid).

It lashed it down on Friday night, but on Saturday morning i was woken up by Dave ringing to tell me that Gardoms south was dry. We went there and met Rhys and Dan.
Dave flashed Suavito, and did Barry Sheen quickly - good effort.

We couldn't decide what to do next, but since conditions were pretty good (the wind was freezing) we thought it would be a good plan to try something sloping.

Of we went to the other end of Gardoms (which is sheltered, so wasn't totally dry) to have a look at Full Power. This is something that i have wanted to get stuck into for ages, but the few times i have pulled on, it has felt too hard.

This time we just got stuck in and worked out the moves. After getting good sequence we started going for the link. I fired through to the move into the stand up a few times on the trot, and called it a day. Didn't want to loose any more skin. Will hopefully be back on it in the week when it has totally dried out.

I wanted to train in the evening, but needed to rest the fingers. A text off Foley reminded me about lock offs. Busted out some assisted 1 armers then lock offs for the first time in about a year. Also closed the CoC no. 2 again. Feeling good at this. Will have to start trying to rep it.

Sunday was spent working followed by the fingerboard. Felt good, had to get the extra 5kg plate.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

coc 2 good effort!